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Decades Of Confrontation Ahead

Germany and Russia: A History of Ups and Downs

Decades of Confrontation Ahead?

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German Defense Minister Boris Pistorius has warned Germans that they should prepare for decades of confrontation with Russia. This comes in the wake of Russia's war of aggression against Ukraine and its so-called annexation of Ukrainian regions in both 2014 and 2022.

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Relations between Germany and Russia have been marked by alternate periods of cooperation and war. After World War II, the two countries were on opposite sides of the Cold War. However, after the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989, relations between the two countries began to improve.

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In the years leading up to the invasion of Ukraine, Germany had been one of Russia's closest partners in Europe. The two countries had close economic and political ties, and Germany was heavily dependent on Russian energy supplies.

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However, Russia's invasion of Ukraine has changed everything. Germany has now joined the rest of the West in condemning Russia's actions and imposing sanctions on the country. The war in Ukraine has also led to a sharp increase in tensions between Germany and Russia.

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It is unclear how long the confrontation between Germany and Russia will last. However, it is clear that the war in Ukraine has had a profound impact on relations between the two countries.
